Nigerian startups should not mistake investment funding for profitability.
The more money you start off with, the farther your breakeven point.
Jumia and Konga are two of Nigeria's biggest ecommerce sites today, partly due to the huge funding backup they have since they launched. They both have enjoyed over $400m in investments. However, both are yet to become profitable. Infact Jumia just lost 61m dollars in the last 6 months.
Top organizations and high end households, who constitute our primary market targets increasingly depend on Pukena to supply them with trusted, professional and highly reliable service providers.
Excellence is not a function of resources, it's a mindset!
This morning, during my devotion, these words erupted in my spirit like a vulcano! I talked in tongues for hours meditating on it.
God took me to the book of Daniels 1.
I saw how the King ordered for a certain calibre of young people. Experts in their own field. People who have done their own part of acquiring a certain skills.
Many small business owners and startups dread banks and have little to no relationship with bankers. They either see bankers as enemies, fraudsters, the group that does not want SME’s to be great or all of the above. The truth is while there is a lot of room for Bankers to improve their value proposition to SMEs, there is a lot SMEs can do to extract value from Nigerian Banks – especially in the area of funding.
Lagos is an exciting and arguably the leading startup ecosystem in Africa.
Yaba is considered the silicon valley of Nigeria as it houses the headquarters of major tech companies such as Andela, CCHub, Techpoint, prepclass, etc
This morning, this got me thinking...
Could it be because Yaba is home to two major tertiary institutions of learning, Yabatech and UNILAG (close to Yaba)?
One satisfied customer can give you more advertising than money can buy.
The first three months in Pukena, we made no sales, except for the Free Cleaning Tour we used to promote our services. We spent the bulk of that time on boarding service providers across all our service categories. It was a very rigorous exercise. It's the main foundation of Pukena. Our stock in trade are these top rated professionals.We even set up Pukena Academy to prepare them to stand befor the King!
The CEO of, Emmanuel Udeagha, was a guest on “Amazons on Radio”, an interactive radio program on Classic FM 97.3 that showcases emtrepreneurs who are making a difference in the society using their innovation. Mr Emmanuel shares his thoughts on "Artisans and their Antics" and how Pukena is fast positioning itself as the last hope of an average Nigerian in finding reliable artisans for their everyday service needs.
Starting Pukena has since stretched my knowledge capacity. I have studied over 100 successful startups in Nigeria to find out what they are doing right.I noticed a trend, there seems to be a band of successful startups that keep coming up in the media, raising funds and hiring the best talents while others fizzle out with time. In 2018 alone I have counted 5 major startups that failed.I tried to find out what those that succeed are doing right and what the others that fail ain't.
In line with their quest for excellence, Pukena partners with two of Africa’s leading ecommerce giants, Jumia and Konga to bring top quality products and services closer to Nigerians.
Since launch in July 20th, 2017, Pukena is fast becoming the go-to online platform for verified and top rated service professionals across the following services categories:
In Africa, up to 70 percent of people who regard themselves as ‘entrepreneurs’ do not own a registered business.
How can anyone say they own a business when it doesn’t really and legally exist?
For some of these people, it’s just plain ignorance; they don’t know or understand the importance of a getting a business registered. The others, who aren’t totally ignorant, just choose to avoid the upfront cost of registration when they start their business.
The TOEFL test seeks to test your understanding of English language in three quarters- Listening, Reading, Writing and then speaking. It is similar to IELTS. They are both English language tests but run by two different agencies. TOEFL is mainly used in the US while IELTS is mainly used in the UK, Canada and even the US. It’s a major requirement if you are seeking to work or school in any English country.
Pukena was launched in August 2107. As we begin a full year in 2018, we want to share a bit of the foundation laying stage of our business journey to encourage few startup founders who feel discouraged for lack of funds.
People in need of services hardly get excellent service provided by service experts. Most service providers are not trustworthy, excellent in their service delivery, professional and structured in their operational procedures.
Excellence service is lacking to these users who are willing to pay more if they can just have what they ask for.
As a valued customer, there's a lot you can do on our service - it's not all serious business. We've listed a few ways you can have some fun and enhance your Pukena experience.
If you rely on your personal genius, charisma, skills and personality to get things are an amazing time teller!
Time tellers are usually revered. They are in the talented category. They can sing amazingly, write some complex codes, design amazing prototypes, and do stuffs that most people can't do.
Hope we’re all doing well.I would love to show you a simple way to make a passive income through the Pukena
Affiliate Program. I’ll try to keep this brief and concise. So without further ado, let’s get to it.
PukenaMart is Nigeria’s newest online supermarket that offers same day delivery to online shoppers across our over 1000 groceries: meat, toiletries, fruits, vegetables, and delicious meals from your favorites restaurant in Lagos.
One unique feature we have on PukenaMart is that independent vendors can register for free and list their products on PukenaMart n less that 24 hours. You get 100% support system from Pukena and targeted marketing for your store. Follow the seps to create your own store.
Pukena is an innovative technology startup that connects pre-verified local artisans and other service providers to high end households and corporate organizations that need them. The technology ensures that the user can easily and safely hire trusted service providers across different categories through an app and have them at their doorstep exactly when they need them. Paying for services is through a secure paymnent system (Paystack) or cash.
Pukena.NG is a leading on-demand platform that connects people, households and corporate organizations with highly trained, pre-verified, and insured service professionals across different service categories. Right on Pukena, you can hire highly trained artisans, drivers, event vendors, tutors, and several other service professionals to serve you right in the comfort of your home.
Taxify is one of the fastest growing transportation network company in Europe, Africa, West Asia, Central America and Australia with over 10million customers globally and more than 500,000 drivers. It operates in 25 countries and 40 cities. Taxify was founded by Markus Villig (then only 19 years , high-school student) in 2013. The service was launched in August 2013 and in 2014 it went on to foreign shores.
Sometimes the cost of maintaining a car could drive one crazy. No wonder many believe that a car is a liability.
Below are some things you can do to take your car from being a money-draining machine into a money-making machine:
-------------------------------------------------- 1. Put it on Uber/Taxify and make at least 120k a month.
One of the most important initial steps you need to take at this early stage of your business is to register your business entity. Today it's very simple to do so all by yourself. You only need the help of someone else if you simply don't have time to do it for yourself.
So let me show you how you can register your business name in Nigeria.
Taxify is on of the world's fastst growing ride-sharing app that has turned car owners into millionaires in the last three years. With their operational base in Lagos, Abuja and some other states in Nigeria, Taxify has, for the past two years, cemented it's place as Nigeria No 1 ride-sharing platform with best incentives for drivers and partners.
Pukena helps your onboarding process on Taxify very smooth by providing you with the best drivers. Following the steps below to learn how to make money on Taxify.
This is the most frequently asked question from clients inquiring about our business at Pukena Cars & Drivers. The next one is, "What type of car is best used for the business?"