Don't take anything for granted in business. Whether you are running your business as a part time or fully engaged, always ensure you take the necessary steps to getting your business documents.
Your business doesn't have to be big to be registered in CAC. You don't have to be Chevron to have employment contracts in place. You need to understand what a Non Disclosure agreement is in your business so you won't cry that a company you submitted a proposal to has stolen your idea.
Car insurance is very essential because it covers the expenses of your vehicle damage or injuries to other drivers. Insuring your car has a lot of benefits that can save you from the headaches of roadside tragedy. Car insurance is a way of protecting yourself in case of any roadside misfortune. It does not only protect you but it also covers others that maybe riding in your car.
One of the most important initial steps you need to take at this early stage of your business is to register your business entity. Today it's very simple to do so all by yourself. You only need the help of someone else if you simply don't have time to do it for yourself.
So let me show you how you can register your business name in Nigeria.